Trifextra: Dalliance at Daybreak


Dalliance at Daybreak

The morning air is cold and brisk
Fuelling steamy dreams of you.

Your heat caressing my chilly lips.

I quicken my pace
To be lost in your embrace,
My splendid cup of tea.


This is my submission for this weekend’s Trifextra challenge, in which we had to use the literary version of an apostrophe in our 33-word piece.

Also, I wanted to remind you to check out the Speakeasy creative writing challenge. We’d love to see you there!


Image credit: Corrie /

46 thoughts on “Trifextra: Dalliance at Daybreak

  1. Oh yes! Not a hot tea drinker, but I crave coffee when it’s cold. It’s just so comforting and you’ve captured the impatience of waiting for my drink to brew.

  2. Mmmm, yes, I see your point. Aside from the little surprise twist, I really like the sound and feel of that last line – there’s a languidness about it that feels like pillow talk. I am impressed. 🙂

  3. Love a twist like this…
    and even if my sip isn’t tea or coffee , I know how comforting it is to settle into a day instead of diving head first.

    Ahhhh. Steam, sip my friend.

  4. Wonderful how you set his up. So sexy, and then a cup of tea. How do you approach the afternoon and evening cupppas?

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